Online events: 6 tips to hold attention

Claire van Berkum
Claire van Berkum
04 October 2023
4 min

And with a simple click of a button, an online viewer has left. With an online event, the threshold to 'walk away' is simply a lot lower than with a physical event. It is up to you, the organiser, to keep them captivated behind that screen.

With these 6 tips, you will draw those online participants into the screen and keep them watching until the last minute.

organising an online event - holding attention

A webinar, talk show or award ceremony; corona time showed that it is also possible online. And actually, hosting an online event is not much different from making television. But as with television, the exit is big. Or at least, much bigger (and easier) than with a physical event.

After all, physical visitors don't have the guts to get up and walk to the door during a presentation. But they have no problem moving their mouse to the red cross in the corner on the screen during an online session. Time to avoid that with these tips:

TIP 1: Give a sneak preview with a goodie

It already happens regularly at physical events; sending something in advance that the participant can use on the day itself. A notebook, printed pens or vouchers for catering. Especially the latter is inextricably linked to events. People like not having to think about lunch for a while. That catering can be done at home, of course. Because let's be honest: a voucher from Thuisbezorgd or a packed lunch sent to you tastes much better than a home-made sandwich. It triggers something in the participant and creates a positive feeling.

TIP 2: Use a good warm-up

An event never starts on the day itself. You can give participants a taste of the atmosphere by starting your communication earlier. Just as you send out announcements for ticket sales in advance, you can also give a sneak preview. This can be done in text form, but videos are of course much more fun. Have the speaker introduce himself, share a tip from an inspiration session or record a video with the registration desk where the participant gets a badge in advance.


"Sharing interesting tips in advance increases visitor attention"


TIP 3: Treat those ears or curl those corners of your mouth

Why do we keep watching a highly learned scientist on that talk show on television? Probably because the programme constantly changes format. It is often filled with entertainment. Change of food, so to speak. And so it is with your online event. Put musicians in the spotlight, for instance, or give the stage to a comedian for a few minutes. A light-hearted break always does the trick. Speaking of which... breaks!

Jaarbeurs Online event organising interaction

TIP 4: Stop time!

Sounds crazy for an online event, but people need to get away from that screen for a while. After all, no one is made to sit still for hours at a time. So insert breaks in time. This way, participants can take a break to return that missed call or get a coffee. Or even better: open that sent lunch pack from tip 1. And all this without them having to miss out on important content from your event.


"Everyone eventually yearns for a break. Regardless of how interesting the event is."


TIP 5: Everyone is up for a game

Cliché or not, but a good pub quiz makes everyone happy. And especially if there is something to win. A 1-on-1 session with the keynote speaker, for example, is always good. A quiz is a nice change of pace at long events. And ideal to get everyone back on track. It shakes dormant participants awake in a creative way.

organise interaction online event

TIP 6: Apply matchmaking

A decisive factor for attending an event often has to do with being able to network or not. After all, it is the time to meet other people and companies with the same interests. Therefore, allow networking opportunities online as well. Don't worry, you don't have to put everyone in a chat function, or connect all participants yourself in advance. There are several software providers that enable online networking. It is often a matter of a simple integration with your website or system.


"Networking is decisive factor for an event participation


With these six tips, you will make sure your attendee stays captivated at an online event. Of course, there are more creative tricks to keep them engaged. Do you have the tip? Tell us about it! That way, together, we will create the best events with the most impact.

Bas Sterrenburg - Account manager conferences and studio events

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