Online, live or hybrid event: which type do you choose?

Claire van Berkum
Claire van Berkum
27 July 2022
5 min

Corona shook up the events industry: we were forced to go off the beaten track. And that took some getting used to at first. But it also provided new insights, as online events gained momentum. And what turns out? For some events, the online version is a perfect solution. But how do you know which event best suits your strategy? Online, live or a combination of the two?

Long story short: there is no standard answer

To get right to the point; there is no standard answer when to choose which form. It depends entirely on the situation. We therefore list some important ins and outs of the different forms. That way, you can decide for yourself whether these are things you want to get involved in or not.

Choosing online live or hybrid events

Online events were rapidly making their rise. And that is not surprising, after all, for a while it was the only (permitted) way to get together anyway. There are different types of online events, but generally there is a common thread: the event only has online participants. The digital. There may be an audience in the studio, but everything else takes place digitally.

Choosing online live or hybrid events

1. Unknowns

Are you an event manager and mainly familiar with organising meetings 'in real life'? Then organising an online event will take some getting used to. A studio, make-up, lighting, a livestream, format and direction; all things you will have to deal with.

2. Short attention span

Whereas with a live event you can still afford to make a mistake (such as a late speaker - people can still network, walk around or get a drink), that is out of the question with an online event. People behind computers have a short attention span and get annoyed quickly. They expect nothing less than a real television show or they click the red cross in the corner.

People at the computer have a short attention span

Choosing online live or hybrid events

3. Interaction is extremely important at online events

Although it is thought, an online event is NOT just for broadcasting. Especially with an online event, you need to engage your viewers by using interaction. After all, it is very easy to click away and do something else. So let the viewer participate and, for example, ask questions or vote via a poll.

organise interaction online event

4. Multi-purpose content

If you choose an online event in a professional studio, you can use the livestream for multiple channels. For instance, you can use quotes or snippets or send specific parts of the recording to different audiences.

5. Not suitable for product launches

An online event has enormous benefits, but it also lacks an important element. Do you want to launch a new product that people really need to try, smell, feel or see? Then online may not be the format you should use.

Choosing online live or hybrid events

All events where you can NOT participate from behind your computer at home at the same time are called live events. So you have to be here live to see the event. This used to be the norm, nowadays we see it less and less (partly due to corona).

1. Power of perception

Perhaps the biggest reason to organise a live event; experience. And although cameras and microphones can film and record a lot ... it's still different in real life. Feeling music vibrate, trying a product or meeting an idol in real life. Some things are just a hundred times better live.

Choosing online live or hybrid events

2. Exclusivity

A big plus of a live meeting is exclusivity. A special launch or a special (company) party, for example. Or how about bringing together a community and/or network? Do you want to facilitate exclusive meetings or capitalise on FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)? Then a live event is a good option.

"Use FOMO at a live event"

3. You exclude people

It sounds logical, but of course with a live event you are also tied to the venue. That also means you exclude people. For example, that one speaker who is on the other side of the world. Or an entire group of people who can't make it to be physically present, but are interested in your event.

4. Facility peripherals

Much of your organisational time will be spent on facilities management. Think of waste, catering, cleaning, signage, first aid, cloakroom, etc. All things you need to take into account. Plan this in advance. They may seem like side issues, but they have a huge impact on the visitor's experience.


Then there is such a thing as a hybrid event: the type of event that combines the two above events. This is a mix of a live event, with a connection for people who want to watch online - or see it afterwards.

1. Two programmes

Make no mistake: a hybrid event is more than just a camera in the corner. It requires a lot of time and effort to create a programme that is attractive to both online and live visitors. For instance, the event 'in real life' has many more breaks - something that can be quite annoying on screen. Think carefully in advance about how you will set this up and what you will and will not film.

"A hybrid event has two programmes; double the work, but also double the impact."

Choosing online live or hybrid events

2. Huge range

With a hybrid event, you reach everyone. After all, you have no borders and the world is at your feet. Moreover, you are not stuck with a maximum number of visitors, because you can scale up online as much as you want. That means you can also invite people selectively: half of them participate digitally, while a selective club may actually attend physically.

3. Lots of time and money

As far as we are concerned, a hybrid event is the future. It offers the best of both worlds: the power of meeting both physically and digitally. This does require a lot of time, knowledge and therefore money. After all, you are responsible for all parts of both live and online. And at the same time. With a hybrid event, it is therefore wise to put together a large organising team or hire an external agency.


Difficulty choosing?

Let us help you. Our account managers will show you the possibilities of the studios, the halls or a combination thereof. Together, we will ensure that your event is a great success.

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