VerzamelJaarbeurs welcomes Utrecht artist Pet with sustainability maze

Elsje van Vuuren
Elsje van Vuuren
09 November 2023
1 min

Utrecht, 9 November 2023 - Europe's largest vintage event, VerzamelJaarbeurs, will take place this coming weekend at Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs. During VerzamelJaarbeurs, visitors will be inspired by 1,300 stalls selling vintage, design, antiques, curios, vinyl and all kinds of collectibles. This edition, the organisation is delighted to welcome artist Pet van de Luijtgaarden, who combines his creativity with sustainability in the form of a caravan maze. With this maze, Pet challenges visitors to think about their impact on the environment.

Artist Pet sets up 12 caravans in Jaarbeurs
Well-known Utrechter Pet van de Luijtgaarden is exhibiting his collections in so-called art caravans. "Each caravan I give a different theme, such as cuddly toys, cassette tapes, video tapes, Barbie's and computer parts. My collections are easy to move around because I take them in caravans to festivals and other events. In my artworks, I emphasise the combination of sustainability, reusing things and the increasing popularity of vintage among young and old."

Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 November the VerzamelJaarbeurs will take place at Jaarbeurs. For over 30 years, the VerzamelJaarbeurs has been the platform for collectors of vintage and design, pottery, fifties, curios, archaeology, film & scifi, clothing and vinyl.

Elsje van Vuuren

Elsje has worked for two years as a Corporate PR and communications consultant in the corporate communications team at Jaarbeurs.

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