Helen Dowling Instituut Koninklijke Jaarbeurs

Helen Dowling Institute

Besides the physical effects of cancer, many cancer patients also experience mental symptoms. Cancer can cause anxiety, extreme fatigue and depressive thoughts. As a result, people can become mentally stuck. The Helen Dowling Institute offers professional psychological care and conducts research to continuously improve it. For this, money is needed. As Jaarbeurs, we like to contribute to a healthier city and region, which is why we have designated the Helen Dowling Institute as a new charity.

By supporting local charities, Jaarbeurs invests in a healthier city and region, for now and in the future. For example, Dutch Health Hub, an initiative of Jaarbeurs, is a partner of the Helen Dowling Institute.

On Saturday 28 October 2023, the Helen Dowling Institute's annual benefit gala took place. Here, Jaarbeurs made available a number of appealing auction items, the proceeds of which went entirely to the benefit of the institute. The benefit gala raised over 200,000 euro. This money will be used for research to the best way to help these people. 

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Helen Dowling Instituut Koninklijke Jaarbeurs

Koninklijke Jaarbeurs en Helen Dowling Instituut slaan handen ineen

Utrecht, 30 oktober 2023 – Naast de lichamelijke gevolgen van kanker ervaren veel kankerpatiënten ook mentale klachten. Kanker kan zorgen voor angstgevoelens, extreme vermoeidheid en depressieve...